1. The Alps and the Plain: from Bolzano to Ferrara
This route touches on four regions: Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Lombardia and Emilia Romagna; from Bolzano to Ferrara, along part of the Ciclopista del Sole long distance cycle route. The route descends from the enchanted basin in which Bolzano is immersed among vineyards and woodlands, at the heart of the Dolomite region of Alto Adige; it drops into Trento passing through mediaeval villages, skirts along Lake Garda, follows the river Mincio, then, after visiting Mantova, joins the Po to arrive in Ferrara, the city of the cycle.
Travel time and technical features
Length km 314.69.
Difficulty the route is mainly on cycle path, difficult for its length and for a little peak to climb over just before Affi.
Related documents
- ROAD BOOK From Bolzano to Ferrara (326.22 kB)
- The Alps and the plain (578.29 kB)
Mappa - Map.pdf
(358.90 kB)
Profilo Altimetrico - Altitude profile.pdf
(453.17 kB)
Percorso Bolzano - Ferrara
Tracciato Google Earth - Google Earth Track.kmz
(37.85 kB)
- Bolzano - Ferrara.gdb (108.56 kB)
- Bz-Fe.gpx (597.32 kB)
- Raccolta Immagini - Photo gallery.pdf (6.95 MB)