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Verona - Ferrara

Verona - Ferrara


A path that ideally unites two cities that share the story of a troubled love: Romeo and Juliet in the city of the Arena and the Adige, Ugo and Parisina in the town of the Este Castle and the River Po. The itinerary crosses the beautiful city-fortress of Peschiera, where the Mincio flows into Lake Garda, and proceeds along the EuroVelo 7 (the path of the Sun), and EuroVelo 8 (the Mediterranean path) routes, touching the Lake, the Mincio and Po rivers, their natural parks and reserves and the Renaissance cities of Mantua and Ferrara.

Travel time and technical features

From Verona continue along the charming Gardesana Provincial Road, this is very busy especially during the summer and on weekends, we recommend being very careful. It then proceeds on paved roads, with no particular difficulties and with long stretches on bike paths or roads with regulated access, often exposed to the sun.

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last modified Mar 28, 2020 01:05
Ferrara Bike

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A journey among art, history, nature and flavours!

Escursioni e visite guidate provincia di Ferrara

Excursions and guided tours

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