Events and initiatives
Art Kane. Oltre il reale
The rooms of the Estense Castle host one of the most important masters of twentieth-century photography
Artistic Crafts Street Market
The exhibition spaces are designed to harmonize with the preciousness of art and architecture of the city center.
Concert Season 2023/2024
The program includes ten symphonic concerts, including those by the Orchestra Mozart and Daniele Gatti, which continue the residency project dedicated to Beethoven's symphonies. Then chamber music appointments and piano recitals with artists of extraordinary importance, as well as events dedicated to the celebration of Girolamo Frescobaldi and a special attention to the younger audience
Ferrara Buskers Festival 2025
The largest and oldest Buskers Festival hosting artists from all over the world, this year takes place along Corso Ercole I d'Este, a beautiful Renaissance street
Ferrara Food Festival
The agri-food excellences of Ferrara and its territory are on display
Ferrara in Jazz
From October to April the Torrione San Giovanni, a splendid round tower along the Renaissance city walls, becomes a venue for jazz lovers
Ferrara Summer Festival
Concerts and shows during the summer period in the Historic Center of Ferrara. The setting of the city of Ferrara creates the atmosphere to experience unique evenings of entertainment
FuturPera - Salone Internazionale della Pera
The first international trade fair dedicated to the promotion of the pear supply chain
Giardini Estensi
Exhibition market of rare plants and garden tools.
Homage to the Duke 2025
The eight 'contrade', in their superb Renaissance costumes, pay homage to the Duke Borso in Piazza Castello
Il Cinquecento a Ferrara. Mazzolino, Ortolano, Garofalo, Dosso
A not-to-be-missed exhibition that recounts Ferrara's figurative culture of the early 16th century and the events that made the Este city a point of reference in the system of Italian Renaissance courts, through the voices of some of the authoritative protagonists of those years
International Kite Festival
The International kite festival takes place in the wonderful urban park of Ferrara
International Restoration Trade Show
Exhibition on the art of Restoration and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Museums and Enterprises.
Internazionale a Ferrara 2025
A series of free lectures and meetings held by journalists and authors from all over the world
La Giostra del Borgo
Banquets, tournaments, stalls and shows from the 15th Century
Mille Miglia 2025 at Ferrara
The most famous vintage car race in the world, the Mille Miglia will pass through Ferrara on June, 17th, 2025
Palio of Ferrara 2025
A month of celebrations, parades, flag-throwing competitions and a spectacular horse race in Piazza Ariostea
The Este Carnival
The atmosphere of the Este masquerades will arise: after almost five hundred years, the amazing Carnival of Ferrara Court is organized in the very heart of Italian Renaissance.
The Farmer’s market –Colours and Flavours of Ferrara
This market is organized fortnightly at Piazza Municipale or at Piazza Castello and it hosts producers from all over the Region.
Valli e Nebbie - Lagoons and Mists
International rally from the historic centre of Ferrara to the Po Delta Park.
Market of Stellata
Street market with more than 200 stalls selling furniture, clothes, coins, records, books, crafts, accessories.
Panarea 2012 - Festival of the Ferrara's bread
Panarea is a national festival dedicated to bread, pizza, piadina, pasta, bakery products, and traditional wheat-based products of Italian cuisine.
Truffle, Bread and Ferrarese Pearls Festival
Two weekends dedicated to the delicious truffle, bread and products from our area.
Cento Carnival
A grand celebration with carnival floats up to 15 metres high and hundreds of figurants in colourful costumes
Guercino, un nuovo sguardo. Opere provenienti da Forlì e da altri luoghi nascosti
The exhibition, hosted at the church of San Lorenzo, displays twenty large works, most of them altarpieces, by Guercino and his students, which until now were hidden from the public eye because they were kept in places that could not be visited
Carnevale sull'acqua
Parade of boats and masks on the streets and canals of Comacchio
Carnevale sull'acqua 2025
Parade of boats and masks on the streets and canals of Comacchio, starting from the monumental Trepponti bridge
Comacchio half marathon
Run race
Easter Monday Fair and Market
At Port Garibaldi, the Easter Monday Fair and Market
Festa dei Pesci Marinati
Guided tours, workshop for children and food sampling.