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Highlights Ferrara


National Picture Gallery

Created in 1836, the Picture Gallery was the first public collection of Ferrarese paintings, put together to bring a halt to the dispersion of local artistic patrimony by setting up a modern museum in which to conserve and promote Ferrara's art and culture

Cathedral Museum

The Cathedral Museum, sited in the ex church of San Romano, was created through a join initiative between the Cathedral Chapter and the Municipality of Ferrara with the aim of documenting the history of the most important sacred temple of Este spirituality

MEIS Museo Nazionale dell'Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah

At the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah are open the permanent exhibitions: "1938: HUMANITY DENIED" by Giovanni Grasso and Paco Lanciano and "Jews, an Italian history" to discover the history of Jews in Italy from the era of ancient Rome to the Renaissance.

National Archaeological Museum

The museum, housed in the Palazzo Costabili, exhibits the findings of the Etruscan city of Spina which flourished from the 6th to the 3rd century B.C. and survived until the first centuries A.D.

Palazzo dei Diamanti

The magnificent Palazzo dei Diamanti, at the centre of the Addizione Erculea, on the important crossroads known as the Quadrivio degli Angeli, belonged to the duke’s brother Sigismondo d’Este.

Estense Castle

In Ferrara in 1385, a dangerous revolt convinced Niccolò II d’Este of the need to erect mighty defences for himself and his family thus the Castello di San Michele was built, a fortress erected against the people

Piazza Ariostea

This very special oval piazza set below ground level and also famous for the races of the Palio, is the work of the architect Biagio Rossetti.

Via delle Volte

This charming medieval street marks the axis along which the so-called linear Ferrara developed between the 7th and 9th centuries A.D. and which greatly influenced the further development of the entire city.

The city walls

The ancient Walls of Ferrara encircle the historic centre almost without interruption for nine kilometres, constituting one of the oldest and most impressive...

Throughout the province


The Mediaeval Centre

From the Middle Ages to today, the area around the Cathedral has always been the focus of the city life.

Museo di Casa Romei

Magnifico esempio di residenza signorile fra Medioevo e Rinascimento, la casa presenta un cortile d'onore particolarmente suggestivo. L'architetto, probabilmente Pietrobono Brasavola, vi usò elementi tipicamente medievali accanto ad altri pienamente rinascimentali

last modified Aug 31, 2012 11:01
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