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Maurizio Bottoni. Eterna pittura e Antonio Maria Nardi. I colori della vita

Until Dec 26, 2024

The rooms of the Estense Castle host the exhibitions about two important artists: Maurizio Borttoni and Antonio Maria Nardi


Il Cinquecento a Ferrara. Mazzolino, Ortolano, Garofalo, Dosso

Until Feb 16, 2025

A not-to-be-missed exhibition that recounts Ferrara's figurative culture of the early 16th century and the events that made the Este city a point of reference in the system of Italian Renaissance courts, through the voices of some of the authoritative protagonists of those years



Guercino, un nuovo sguardo. Opere provenienti da Forlì e da altri luoghi nascosti

Until Dec 28, 2025

The exhibition, hosted at the church of San Lorenzo, displays twenty large works, most of them altarpieces, by Guercino and his students, which until now were hidden from the public eye because they were kept in places that could not be visited

last modified Apr 17, 2012 12:03
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