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History and culture routes


Ferrara and its Wall

Nine kilometres of defensive walls surround the heart of Ferrara, delimiting the old city. Designed and built mainly as fortifications starting in the early seventh century, today they are expansive gardens enjoyed by locals and visitors during their time off, and so much more

Ferrara city of the 20th century

From Ecletism to Rationalism: 20 years of fascist regime profoundly influenced the development of architecture and urbanism in Italy. In Ferrara, the area between the Monumental Acqueduct and Largo Antonioni hosts several buildings which tell this story

Ferrara within the Walls; exploring the city with Giorgio Bassani

Born in Bologna into a well-to-do Ferrarese family of Jewish origin, Giorgio Bassani grew up and completed his secondary education in Ferrara, the city in which all his works of fiction are set.

Jewish Ferrara

There is hidden soul to Ferrara, its Jewish one, an important part of the city's community, composed of the Synagogue, the one-time 'Ghetto', the Cemetery in via Vigne, the Little Levantine Cemetery.

Renaissance residences and churches

Along the ancient Via di San Francesco, the main thoroughfare of the new districts commissioned by Niccolò III and an elegant street in the Medieval city, stand many palazzos, patrician residences and major churches.

The Mediaeval Centre

From the Middle Ages to today, the area around the Cathedral has always been the focus of the city life.

The Renaissance Addition

Throughout the Middle Ages and almost to the end of the 15th Century, the northern boundary of the city ran along the current road System of Viale Cavour-Corso Giovecca.

The Walls

The walls, stretching for nine kilometres, surround Ferrara almost entirely, forming one of the most comprehensive and varied routes in Italy.

Where the river once flowed

Until the 12th century, Via Ripagrande was the main branch of the Po that today runs a few kilometres away to the north of the city.


Visit Cento

Cento is a small capital of art and cuisine, with its many porticoes.



The Ferrarese lands, the scene of a constant contest between land and water, forged with the hard and dogged work of its people, has lent itself to Italian Cinema as an environment for dramatic stories, tormented lives, intense passions.


Along the canals of Comacchio

Download the route in Comacchio, the capital of the Po Delta Park...


The Ferrarese lands, the scene of a constant contest between land and water, forged with the hard and dogged work of its people, has lent itself to Italian Cinema as an environment for dramatic stories, tormented lives, intense passions.


The Delizie Hunt

It is possibile to discover the “scenery of the old land” by bike, or by car, stopping at particular places of artistic interest along the route. The roads you will travel are generally very quiet.


Tresigallo, a XXth Century town

Tresigallo is known as the capital city of Rationalistic Architecture, and it is the result of a very modern city planning.


The Delizie Hunt

It is possibile to discover the “scenery of the old land” by bike, or by car, stopping at particular places of artistic interest along the route. The roads you will travel are generally very quiet.

Throughout the province

Behind the door of the Ghetto

From Corso Martiri della Libertà, the itinerary leads through the medieval streets of the old Jewish ghetto to the MEIS, the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah

Beyond the Windshield

From Corso Martiri della Libertà, the itinerary follows Corso della Giovecca, entering the area just south of Ferrara ‘Main Street’, to reach the imposing monumental arch of the Prospettiva


The Ferrarese lands, the scene of a constant contest between land and water, forged with the hard and dogged work of its people, has lent itself to Italian Cinema as an environment for dramatic stories, tormented lives, intense passions.

Ferrara and its Wall

Nine kilometres of defensive walls surround the heart of Ferrara, delimiting the old city. Designed and built mainly as fortifications starting in the early seventh century, today they are expansive gardens enjoyed by locals and visitors during their time off, and so much more

Ferrara city of the 20th century

From Ecletism to Rationalism: 20 years of fascist regime profoundly influenced the development of architecture and urbanism in Italy. In Ferrara, the area between the Monumental Acqueduct and Largo Antonioni hosts several buildings which tell this story

Ferrara within the walls: exploring the city with Giorgio Bassani

Born in Bologna into a well-to-do Ferrarese family of Jewish origin, Giorgio Bassani grew up and completed his secondary education in Ferrara, the city in which all his works of fiction are set.

Jewish Ferrara

The origins of the Ferrara Jewish community are ancient and the city treasures much proof of its history: from the flourishing period under the Este family's protection to the segregation in the "ghetto" during the papal supremacy and fascist regime

Renaissance residences and churches

Along the ancient Via di San Francesco, the main thoroughfare of the new districts commissioned by Niccolò III and an elegant street in the Medieval city, stand many palazzos, patrician residences and major churches.

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