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Church of Rosary

Adjacent to the Piazza del Popolo, now called Via Vicenzino Folegatti, it was built between 1622 aand 1640 by the Confraternity of the holy Rosary.
Church of Rosary

Its elegant brick face is embellished structures are particulary striking. There is a single nave with depressed circular vault and a deep apse where the brothers prayed.
This nave is separated by a powerful arch placed on the side walls. Restoration after the second word war left the church bereft of any decorative elements that beautified the church and the walls were covered in naked and cold marble slabs.
Of  particular interest is a grand paintingof the Virgin of the Rosary is being rejoiced by the angels with Saints Giustina and Domenico and half way up in the background on the left is the battle of Lepanto.

The original pictorial elaboration of the famous painting by Guido Reni “Pala della Peste” of 1631 was once used as c curtain within the altarpiece of the chair.
However the real treasur of the church is the beatiful 1600s statue is dressed in a white tunic while sitting on a rich chair and is holding the Child standing on her knees.


Comacchio - Via Sanbertolo, 3
last modified Feb 22, 2024 04:55
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