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Churches, baptisteries
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Churches, baptisteries
Cathedral of San Cassiano
In the huge square called St. Cassiano the beautiful town Cathedral rises up with its 18th century solemn bell tower.
Curch of the Suffrace - S. Antonio Church
Church of Suffrage i salso called Church of Saint Antony from Padua was built in 1644.
Carmine Church
This church can be found in the Carmine area and it is dedicated to to the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmelo, the oldest existing one. Built rather humbly it dates back to the beginning of 1600s.
Church of Rosary
Adjacent to the Piazza del Popolo, now called Via Vicenzino Folegatti, it was built between 1622 aand 1640 by the Confraternity of the holy Rosary.