Birdwatching in the Po Delta
The Po Delta Park covers an area of 54.000 hectares and 9 municipalities in the provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna. This land is rich in different natural environments: sand dunes along the coast, the forest of Mesola, charming paths along the river, ancient pinewoods, wide brackish water expanses of the Comacchio Lagoons and Sacca di Goro, fresh water wetlands of Argenta and Ostellato. In these areas, many birds shelter and find nourishment.
Here are the places and the species of this area:
Map of birdwatching areas >>
Oasi Val Campotto, Oasi Valle Santa: Val Campotto is characterized by the presence of one of the largest colonies of Cormorans in Italy. Among the breeding species, there are the Whiskered Tern, the Squacco Heron, the Reed Bunting, the Savi’s Warbler, the Great Reed Warbler and the reed Warbler. Among migratory birds, we must note the Osprey, while the forested area is home to several species of Silvidae such as the Melodious Warbler, the Golden Oriole, the Cuckoo, the Lesser Grey Shrike and the Ortolan Bunting.
Birdwatching towers along the paths. Info Valli di Argenta Museum. |
Bando Oases: Numerous pairs of Greylag Goose and White Stork breed normally on the site, as well as the Arenaide species, Marsh Warblers and Great Reed Warblers. In the ponds, depending on the season, swim different species of ducks, such as Mallard, Northern Shoveler, Common Teal, Garganey, Wigeon. Among the breeding species: Marsh Harrier, Great Crested Grebe, Coot and Moorhen. In the wet meadow, Black-winged Stilt, Black-tailed Godwit, Curlew Sandpiper and Ruff. Info Oasi di Bando. |
Anse Vallive di Ostellato: Grey Heron, Squacco heron, Little Egret, Night Heron, Great Crested Grebe, Passeriformes in the dense reeds, Mallard, Pochard, Greylag Goose, birds of prey as Owl, Kestrel, Marsh Harrier, Little Owl. Info Anse Vallive |
Bosco della Mesola nature Reserve: The birds located there are specially various kinds of Silvidi, such as Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackcap, Nightingale, Short-toed Treedreeper, Golden Oriole and Hawtfinch, plus a permanent colony of Common Wood Pigeon. There are also: Barn Owl, Little Owl, Long-eared Owl, Tawny Owl, and Scops Owl. |
Sacca di Goro: the birdwatchers call it the “island of silters”, because of the thousands of waders that stop here wintering: Curlew, Whimbrel, Ruddy Turnstone, only to mention some. With the change of season, come the Purple Heron, the Common Tern, the Kentish Plover, the Little tern, the Avocet, the Black-winged Stilt and the Oystercatcher. Info The Sacca di Goro |
Cannevié-Porticino Oases: Visitor centre with huts along the paths, which can be used all year round. Spotted Redshank, Shelduck, Common Snipe, Kingfisher, Greater Flamingo, Common Teal, Garganey, Mallard, Marsh Harrier. Durino the springtime, you can see the Avocet, and the Black.winged Stilt. Info Cannevié Oasis |
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Comacchio Lagoons: the jewel of the lagoons are the Greater Flamingos that nest in spring and remain resident throughout the year. The Spoonbill, Black-winged Stilt, Oystercatcher, Avocets, Common Tern, Gull-billed tern, Kentish Plover, Little tern, and several species of gulls, arrive in spring to nest. In winter, it is possible to meet species as Black-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Redshank, Grey Plover, Dunlin, Red-breasted Merganser and Short-eared Owl. Info Valli di Comacchio |
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Boscoforte: access is permitted only with authorized guided tours. In spring, you can see all species of waders, Cormorant, Pygmy Cormorany, and ducks, especially shelduck, Mallard, and Porchard. Also present are the Greater Flamingos, Spoonbills, Marsh Harriers, Gull-billed tern, Common Tern, and Sandwich Tern. More difficult to spot, but sometimes identified, are the Silvidi species: Bearded Reedling, Penduline Tit and Reed Bunting. Info: Boscoforte Peninsula. Info Boscoforte peninsula |