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Roman Necropolis of Voghenza

Voghenza was a Roman city called Vicus Aventinus or Vico Habentia: an administrative hub of vast imperial properties.
Roman Necropolis of Voghenza

Excavations begun in 1976 have brought to light a burial and monumental area of a certain significance that can be dated between the middle of the 1th to the 3rd century A.D. The necropolis has already turned up 67 burial spots dating back to the 6th-7th centuries A.D. The materials found consists of common pottery, oil-lamps, glass balm containers and amber, metal, gold, onyx and bone objects. Some of these finds are on display in the Museo Archeologico di Belriguardo. In all the burial spots one or more coins were found. Towards the end of the last century three sarcophagi and a large square baptism font with an inscription on the edge were found: these can be seen in the Civico Lapidario di Ferrara.


Open all year. You can see the necropolis only from the outside.


Voghenza - Via Dante Alighieri, Fondo Setta

How to get here

By car: from Ferrara motorway Ferrara-Porto Garibaldi, exit Gualdo, then follow signs for Voghenza. Access to necropolis on the right side of Via Dante Alighieri.
By bus: suburban line 2400 Ferrara-Voghiera -Longastrino.

44° 45 57 N / 11° 45 13 E

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last modified May 02, 2020 01:04
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