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Park Stations in Ferrara
Gallery Parco del Delta del Po
carousel delta park
Excursions and guided tours in the Po Delta Park
Po Delta Park
One of the most important wetland zones in Europe and the largest in Italy, bringing together elements of biodiversity to make a paradise for naturalists.
Area of the Station 6
Within the Po Delta Park, the Argenta Oasis is one of the most suggestive section of the park.
Area of the Station 1
The Volano – Mesola – Goro station is the northernmost part of the Po Delta Park in Emilia-Romagna, covering over 12,000 hectares.
Area of the Station 2
Comacchio bears the sceptre of the capital of the Delta Park.
Area of the Station 3
In the Comacchio lagoons, the countryside acquires an unreal beauty. The bilancione (framed nets typical of the region) rise over the water, and break for a moment the dominant horizontal panorama.
Places to visit in the park
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Tourist Information