Marozzo draining plant – The House of Memory
At the end of the XIX Century, in the territory of Ferrara, the Consorzio di Bonifica of the II Circondario Polesine planned a land reclamation project for the area of Grande Valle Gallare.
In the same period, a technical committee was sent in Holland, in order to study new plumbing systems from that area.
In 1873, the pumping plant at Marrozzo has been built. Inside, the pumps from Stork &C. by Hengelo from Rotterdam were operating. This system has been modified several times, until 1986, when it was dismissed, due to the deterioration of the structures. A new draining plant was then built in the neighborhood.
The old draining plant nowadays hosts the herbarium of the territory.
In the same area, has been organized the “House of Memory”, the first part of a museum and documentation centre about the ancient drainage system at Marozzo. The museum can be accessed by people with both motor disabilities and visual impairments, and it has gained the patronage of RAI Social secretariat.