Opera at the Castle
Verdi at the Castle: after the great success of the last years, the Opera comes back at the Estense Castle, with the “Città di Ferrara” Orchestra.
One show have been scheduled: “Nabucco”, on July 11th
The event is directed by Maria Cristina Osti, and organized by “Città di Ferrara” Orchestra, in collaboration with Teatro Comunale “Claudio Abbado”, Ferrara.
(The ticket office is open from 8 pm, on the same day of the show).
Wednesday, July 11th, 9.15 pm
Music by Giuseppe Verdi
Pedro Carrillo, Zhang Xuchen, Cesare Lana, Erika Peder, Maria Ermolaeva, Marco Veneziale, Stefano Rizzati, Barbara Favali.
Orchestra Città di Ferrara - Conductor: Riccardo Boaretto
Giuseppe Verdi Choir - Conductor: Roberto Rossetto
Direction by Maria Cristina Osti
Info: 0039 0532 202675
Casa Romei - Via Savonarola 30 - Ferrara
July, 11th 2018
9.15 pm
Event url
Full price: 20,00 euro. Reduced senior 15,00; 5,00 (under 12 years).
Pre-sale: www.teatrocomunale.it
Ticket from 8pm 1 hour before the concert.
Biglietteria Teatro Comunale di Ferrara "Claudio Abbado" - C.so Martiri della Libertà 5