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Routes and tours

Throughout the province

2 - Ferrara. Where the river used to run

Once upon a time the Po ran to the south of Ferrara and lapped against a busy river port, a source of riches for the mediaeval city.

3 - Ferrara. The historic centre and the Jewish quarter

The Estense castle is the symbol of Ferrara, a fortress of 1385 built as a fortified palace to protect the Este family after a revolt in the city...

3- The Lands of the Alto Ferrarese: circular route Ferrara-Cento

This circular route unwinds to the west of Ferrara, the area known as the Alto Ferrarese...

3. Biking in the great delta: from Venice to Ferrara

Venice, one of the greatest masterpieces that humankind has ever produced, the floating city, mysterious, steeped in history...

4 - Ferrara. The Renaissance City

In 1492 Duke Ercole I, driven by considerations of economics, politics, defence and prestige, decided to expand the capital of his realm, taking within the walls the vast zone north of the castle.

7- Landscape of the great land reclamation: Ro-Copparo-Ostellato

This route follows a circuit of the geographical centre of the Province of Ferrara, connecting the great river Po, the northern limit of the province, and the Po di Volano.

8- Nature reserves on two wheels: from Ostellato to Argenta

From the Anse Vallive di Ostellato the route goes alongside the reclaimed land of the Mezzano, crosses the Bando Reserve and the Anse vallive di Porto and, after the Oasi Trava, reaches Argenta and its lagoons.

10- The Park and the Sea: Mesola-Lidi di Comacchio-Comacchio

A journey of many destinations: art, woodlands, nature, seaside, which visits the most significant places in the Ferrarese part of the Po Delta Park.

11- Altr'essenza

Cycling routes around Portomaggiore: roadbooks, maps and suggestions.

A journey through the Estense Duchy: Amid the Delizie and the Natural Surroundings

A route for walkers of approximately 60 km, to be completed in 2 or 3 stages. Mostly on unpaved, country roads, especially after leaving the historic centre of Ferrara. You walk along canals or ancient rivers, in a plain area, preferably in the more climatically pleasant intermediate seasons

A trip in the Delta by motorboat

The Delta welcomes its guests in tranquillity: under your keel the water flows gently, with its incandescent colours which can change rapidly with the reflected light.

A Walk in the Bosco della Mesola

A stroll in The Gran Bosco della Mesola, a beautiful Nature Reserve of 1058 hectares.

Along the Po di Volano: from Ostellato to Pomposa Abbey

From Ostellato, the meeting place of many journeys and an agreeable centre for a visit to nature reserves...

Around the Comacchio Lagoons

A 56-kilometer route that offers a unique look at the Comacchio lagoons and their treasures

Behind the door of the Ghetto

From Corso Martiri della Libertà, the itinerary leads through the medieval streets of the old Jewish ghetto to the MEIS, the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah

Beyond the Windshield

From Corso Martiri della Libertà, the itinerary follows Corso della Giovecca, entering the area just south of Ferrara ‘Main Street’, to reach the imposing monumental arch of the Prospettiva

Birding tour amid Comacchio's Lagoons and Salt Pans

Suggestive walk along the banks of the Valleys accompanied by an expert environmental guide


The Ferrarese lands, the scene of a constant contest between land and water, forged with the hard and dogged work of its people, has lent itself to Italian Cinema as an environment for dramatic stories, tormented lives, intense passions.

Cycling with a Vallante to discover Casone Donnabona

A guide will take you on a journey through time, exploring pivotal locations in Comacchio’s history

Discover the Campotto Oasis and the Ecomuseum

Exploring the 6th Station of the Po Delta Park, to discover the Natural Reserve of Val Campotto and its extraordinary vegetation.

Excursion by motorboat in the Valli di Comacchio

A boat trip on the calm waters of the lagoons, where the salt water of the sea and the fresh water ofthe river is intermixed, is a truly unforgettable experience.

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