- Campotto oasis
- The three lagoons are situated within the course of the River Reno and the Sillaro torrent, and occupy a total surface area of 1.624 hectares.
- Po Delta Park
- One of the most important wetland zones in Europe and the largest in Italy, bringing together elements of biodiversity to make a paradise for naturalists.
- Boscoforte
- Boscoforte is a peninsula that stretches for about 6 km from the left bank of the Reno river in the Valli di Comacchio.
- Ecomuseum of Argenta - Po Delta Park
- With the term Ecomuseum we mean a museum located within its human and physical environment. [...]
- The Valli di Comacchio - Po Delta Park
- Although land reclamation has reduced their size, the marshes are still one of the largest lagoon systems in Italy. They cover an area of more than 11,000 hectares between [...]
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last modified
Feb 14, 2013 11:33