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Emilia Romagna Festival - Elio delle Storie Tese


Music concert
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Elio, pseudonym of Stefano Belisari is an Italian singer-songwriter, flautist and comedian. An eclectic artist, he counts, among other things, appearances in plays and has numerous collaborations on pop music records to his credit. He was the leader of the band Elio e le Storie Tese.


Comacchio, Arena di Palazzo Bellini


July, 24th 2023


9.00 pm


Free admittance

Information office

Iat - R Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica Comacchio

Via Agatopisto, 2/a c/o Settecentesco Ospedale degli Infermi
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last modified Jul 21, 2023 12:50 expired
Comacchio: Valli and Museums

Emilia Romagna Festival - Elio delle Storie Tese

Valli 2024

Emilia Romagna Festival - Elio delle Storie TeseEmilia Romagna Festival - Elio delle Storie Tese

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