Ecomuseum of Argenta - Po Delta Park
It is based on the relationship between the museum structure and the surrounding area. One of the few Ecomuseums in Italy is just outside Argenta, and it is composed by: Valli di Argenta Museum, Museum of Land Reclamation, Civic Museum.
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How to get here
By car: motorway A13 exit Ferrara Sud; motorway Ferrara-Porto Garibaldi; exit SS 16 Adriatica direction Ravenna. At Argenta, turn right to Campotto and after 4 km there is the Ecomuseum.
By train and bicycle: Ferrara-Ravenna-Rimini line (FS). Argenta Station, via Circonvallazione, about 5 km bike until Ecomuseum.
44° 34 ' 56 N - 11° 47' 56 E