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Until July 21st, 2024, Palazzo dei Diamanti welcomes for the first time the works of Escher, a brilliant and visionary artist who has always been loved by mathematicians and rediscovered by the general public in relatively recent times
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Born in 1898 in Leeuwarden in the Netherlands, Maurits Cornelis Escher has won the appreciation of millions of visitors thanks to his extraordinary ability to transport them inside imaginative and seemingly impossible worlds.

Countless themes and suggestions converge in the creations of the great Dutch master, who lived in Italy between the wars: from geometric theorems to mathematical insights, from philosophical reflections to the paradoxes of logic.

His unmistakable works, which have also influenced the world of design and advertising, challenge perception and are unique in the panorama of art history of all time.


Palazzo dei Diamanti - Corso Ercole I d'Este, 21 - Ferrara


From Mach 23rd to July 21st, 2024


Open daily from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm
(last ticket issued 60 min. before close)

Late Night Openings
Saturday July 20th  open until 23.30 (last ticket issued at 22.30)


Full: 15,00 euro; red. 14,00 euro (6-18 years, over 65, people with disability rating under 67%, for other categories see the website);
School groups: 5,00 euro
Free: under 6, from 67% rating disabled people with a carer


Ufficio Informazioni e Prenotazioni Mostre e Musei Ercole I d'Este, 21
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last modified Jul 22, 2024 10:27 expired
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