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Museo dell'Ottocento

TEMPORARILY CLOSED. Re-opening after restoration. The Museum of the Ottocento begins with three rooms chiefly dedicated to religious subjects (Giovanni Pagliarini Madonna and Child) and historical ones (Gaetano Turchi Torquato Tasso in Sant’Anna).
Museo dell'Ottocento

After a room containing portraits of the Massari family, we find exhibits of works by the noteworthy portrait artist Giovanni Pagliarini (The Family of the Plebiscite). The works of Gaetano Previati (1852-1920), master of Romanticism and Italian symbolism, are of great beauty, particularly The Assumption and Paolo and Francesca. The exhibition concludes with rooms dedicated to various artists, among who are Giuseppe Mentessi (Peace, Panem nostrum quotidianum, Tranquil Hours) and Alberto Pisa (Charing Cross Bridge in London).



Combined ticket with Museo Boldini: 6,00 euro.
Red. 3,00 euro (visitors over 65).

How to get here

On foot: 15 minutes from the Este Castle; bus: n. 3/C from the Train Station.

last modified May 24, 2023 11:59
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